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The Fiftieth Gate Volume 3

The Fiftieth Gate Volume 3

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There are times when we yearn to communicate with God but don't know what to say. We can find ourselves in the expressive and eloquent prayers of Reb Noson, which are based on the enduring lessons in Rebbe Nachman's Likutey Moharan. Unique in Jewish spiritual literature, Likutey Tefilot includes prayers and supplications on every topic, suiting all moods and needs. Volume 1 includes a full introduction to the concept of prayer and its centrality in Jewish life. The prayers are printed with Reb Noson's original Hebrew facing the English translation.

Translated by Yaacov Dovid Shulman (Vol. 3)
Volume 3: Prayers 41-66 (632 pages).

Categories: Breslov Texts, English Books, Prayer

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